
Premier League, 30 Spieltag, 11.11.2019 19:02:39


mvp Danny Ings 3. statistic.mvp
Tor (Schuss) Danny Ings 10. Tor
Tor (Schuss) Sofiane Boufal 4. Tor
Tor (Freistoß) James Ward-Prowse 2. Tor
Gelb Antonio Rüdiger 1. Gelbe Karte
Tor (Schuss) Danny Ings 11. Tor
Tor (Schuss) Danny Ings 12. Tor
Tor (Schuss) James Ward-Prowse 3. Tor


hahaha, gewinnt man eben noch gegen wolverhampton wo man klar verlieren muss, verliert man jetzt gegen southhampton wo man null zugriff aufs game bekommt. man greift an, pass geht zum gegner, der direkt aufs tor, keine abwehr und tor...das wiederholt sich dann immer wieder und man wird von nem gleichwertigen spieler mit 6:0 nach hause geschickt. gegen die klar besseren wolves aber gewinnt man und bei ihnen geht nichts rein. ich versteh das game nicht




Because you block me after defeat or something because i cant send you msg on discord i send it responce on our chat here to you.

I know i am worst player or not so good player for now but i learning every day when is chance to learn new gameplay especially in defence and just maybe i have better game now than you because i almost every time i  lost till now and i am still going to lost for sure but i never blame EA i blame all the time my unknowledge and lack of skills ... Maybe EA have something with that , but i never look in others blame for my defeat .
Sorry that you lost i did not expect my win at start but i did .
If this was EA for you ok, but i know that i concentrate in my gameplay and not even think that i won till it was the end , even then you start to move players unlogic after 3:0 . But this is Fifa game and i was every time  reminded on that  with who i talk about game.
I know you will still won a lot of games even against me for sure but take it that this was just one of your bad matches. I had compare to you a lots of bad matches almost everyone ... in all competitions
So be positive i for now could be just optimistic

Aha genau


Premier League

  # Verein Sp. Tore Diff. Pkt.
  1 38 121 : 36 85 101
  2 38 154 : 34 120 99
  3 38 127 : 36 91 90
  4 38 116 : 53 63 81
  5 38 119 : 57 62 77
  6 38 119 : 71 48 74
  7 38 119 : 70 49 69
  8 38 105 : 65 40 54
  9 38 78 : 86 -8 52
  10 38 107 : 116 -9 52
  11 38 85 : 79 6 51
  12 38 82 : 95 -13 50
  13 38 85 : 134 -49 39
  14 38 81 : 136 -55 37
  15 38 59 : 116 -57 37
  16 38 66 : 127 -61 31
  17 38 61 : 120 -59 30
  18 38 62 : 113 -51 25
  19 38 48 : 143 -95 25
  20 38 48 : 155 -107 15